Monde -> Pakistan


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Image du drapeau du Pakistan
Image de la carte de Pakistan
Image de la position dans le monde de PakistanFaire clic pour voir le pays dans son continent: Pakistan
Capital: Islamabad
Population: 190,3 mln
Superficie: 803.940 km2
Langues: Ourdou, Panjabi, Sindhi, Siraiki, Pachto, Baloutche, dialects régionales
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Prior to 1947, Pakistan was a British colony. In 1947 the United Kingdom granted independence to the region under a new name, Pakistan. The name had been developed by a group of students at Cambridge University who issued a pamphlet in 1933 called Now or Never. They came up with the term Pakistan which is an acronym of letters taken from the names of Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Iran, Sindh, Tukharistan, Afghanistan, and Balochistan. It means the land of the Paks, or land of the pure, or clean
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Image de monnaie de Pakistan
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