Monde -> Palestine


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Foto de Gens - PalestineGensFoto de Transportation - PalestineTransportation
Foto de Nourriture - PalestineNourritureFoto de Nature - PalestineNature
Foto de Climat - PalestineClimatFoto de Travail - PalestineTravail
Foto de Magasin - PalestineMagasinFoto de Particularités - PalestineParticularités
Foto de Rues - PalestineRuesFoto de Réligion - PalestineRéligion
Image du drapeau du Palestine
Image de la carte de Palestine

Population: 2,6 mln
Superficie: 5.860 km2
Langues: Arabe, Hébreu
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Palestinians in the West Bank, including east Jerusalem, have lived under Israeli occupation since 1967. The settlements that Israel has built in the West Bank are home to around 400,000 people and are deemed to be illegal under international law
Ecouter Arabe Ecouter Hébreu
Image de monnaie de Palestine
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