World -> Cambodia


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Picture of People in CambodiaPeople: Girl at a market stallPicture of Schools in CambodiaSchools: Local classroom in Siem Reap
Picture of Celebrations in CambodiaCelebrations: Wedding in Phnom PenhPicture of Streets in CambodiaStreets: On the road to Sen Monorom
Picture of Religion in CambodiaReligion: Tattoo on Buddhist monk's armPicture of Jobs in CambodiaJobs: Traffic police in Siem Reap
Picture of Specifics in CambodiaSpecifics: Picture of prison girl in Tuol Sleng MuseumPicture of Transportation in CambodiaTransportation: Men riding a moped
Picture of Shops in CambodiaShops: Local gas station
Image of flag from Cambodia
Image of map of Cambodia
Image of position in world of CambodiaClick to see country in continent: Cambodia
Capital: Phnom Penh
Population: 15,0 mln
Surface: 181,040 sq km
Languages: Khmer
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Did you know?

The Cambodian flag was designed around 1850, and has three horizontal bands of blue (top and bottom) and red (central) with a depiction of Angkor Watt in the center. The flag was abandoned during the Khmer Rouge years and the occupation of the Vietnamese. The flag was readopted in 1993 after the first general election secured the return to monarchy
If you're interested to find out more about Cambodia, read travel stories from Cambodia
Image of money from Cambodia
See links to other sites for Cambodia