World -> Germany


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Picture of Religion in GermanyReligion: Interior of Berlin CathedralPicture of People in GermanyPeople: Woman in Berlin
Picture of Houses in GermanyHouses: Houses in LandshutPicture of Nature in GermanyNature: Isar river in the area of Landshut
Picture of Shops in GermanyShops: German ham and cheesePicture of Streets in GermanyStreets: Street in the center of Nurnberg
Picture of Transportation in GermanyTransportation: Trains at Munich HauptbahnhofPicture of Jobs in GermanyJobs: Train controller at Munich Central Station
Picture of Climate in GermanyClimate: Fiery sunset in Bad HomburgPicture of Games in GermanyGames: The iluminated football globe in Stuttgart during the 2006 World Cup
Picture of Schools in GermanySchools: School building in MunichPicture of Food in GermanyFood: Schnitzel with bratkartoffeln, sauce and a salad
Image of flag from Germany
Image of map of Germany
Image of position in world of GermanyClick to see country in continent: Germany
Capital: Berlin
Population: 81,3 mln
Surface: 357,021 sq km
Languages: German
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Did you know?

Albert Einstein (1879-1955), one of the greatest scientific thinkers, was born in Ulm in Germany. Eiensten was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921
If you're interested to find out more about Germany, read travel stories from Germany
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Image of money from Germany
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