World -> Yemen


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Picture of Nature in YemenNature: Desert in the Ma'rib areaPicture of Climate in YemenClimate: Fog in the Haraz mountains
Picture of Specifics in YemenSpecifics: The much desired qat leavesPicture of Shops in YemenShops: People in the souk of Sanaa reflected in mirrors
Picture of Jobs in YemenJobs: Young shepherd in Haraz mountainsPicture of People in YemenPeople: Father and son in traditional clothes
Picture of Houses in YemenHouses: Houses and some of the many gardens of SanaaPicture of Religion in YemenReligion: Mosque of Queen Arwa in Jibla
Picture of Streets in YemenStreets: The busy Bab al-Yaman in SanaaPicture of Animals in YemenAnimals: Dromedary in Wadi Hadramawt
Picture of Transportation in YemenTransportation: Donkey used for transportation in Haraz mountains
Image of flag from Yemen
Image of map of Yemen
Image of position in world of YemenClick to see country in continent: Yemen
Capital: San'a
Population: 21mln
Surface: 527,970 sq km
Languages: Arabic
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In Yemen it is normal for a man to carry weapons. It is estimated that there are three weapons per person in Yemen
If you're interested to find out more about Yemen, read travel stories from Yemen
Listen to Arabic
Image of money from Yemen
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